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Creating the identity
of environmental science

A member of the college organization Community of Future Environmental Scientists (CFES) requested for me to create a logo. The organization did not have a logo and wanted me to use it on their flyers, program board, and for group t-shirts.


Design a logo to capture for the Community of Future Environmental Scientists to use for their events.


  • Adobe Illustrator

Use club name

Vector Plant

Getting the facts straight:

I created sketches based off what
the client told me, since they had
strict criteria. 



Persona: I created a persona to represent the audience. 

Tiffany, 21, Scientist,
Traverse City, Michigan


Wants to wear a t-shirt representing her school club

Prefers a shirt to remember her college

club after graduation



CFES is formally registered as an organization,
but there is not an official logo 

Needs someone with design experience

Creativity with earth:

After reviewing the sketches, I felt that the earth could have more detail. It seemed too much like standard circle logos. I played around with different ways to bring life into the logo.

I put together rough drafts of some combinations of the front and back of the shirt. I kept the background sage green for a realistic visual representation.

rough draft:

A pleasant combination:

I reviewed the rough drafts with the club, and they chose a combination. They felt that the dashed lines were a good graphical interpretation of how the students of CFES could end up working anywhere in the world.

A lesson I learned from working in a print shop is how difficult it is to print thin details. I communicated with the client that most likely the print shop will require an outline for their art. I kept the stem a little thicker in case a print shop can print as is. 

Thicken the roots:

  • The CFES members loved the t-shirts.  

  • They used the logo on their other promotional material like flyers.

  • The logo is still in use today.

  • The members felt happy to see
    their vision come to life visually.  


  • I love collaboration, so it was fantastic
    to work together with scientists and see
    what they could come up with.

  • Overall, I enjoyed creating a design for
    a cause I care about. 

  • I hope to continue creating more for
    causes I am passionate about. 

Knowledge Gained:

my interests 

Another interest of mine is marketing,
so I took a course to learn more...

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ins and outs of digital marketing?

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