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digital marketing

I had an interest in digital marketing, but I did not have many opportunities to explore it further. That changed when I realized how much graphic designers use digital marketing in their careers. I enrolled in an online class and earned my certificate in digital marketing. To take it further, I wanted to create a case study to test my skills.



Create a case study of digital marketing for GoDaddy to deepen my knowledge and strengthen my skills. 

  • Google Slides

  • Google Ads Search

  • Google Analytics

  • HubSpot

  • MailChimp

Why GoDaddy:

I wanted to determine why a user should buy GoDaddy products. Using qualitative research, I read reviews and main selling points listed on their website. I found out the following: 

24/7 customer service

One stop shop

Customized templates

Secure Website

On the go features

marketing plan:

For this study, the plan is to bring in more customers in 3 months using networking, ads, emails, networking, and social media. 

Grand Budget


Daily Budget


Who is
this person:

To determine a persona, I used quantitative research and discovered from the Google Analytics of GoDaddy the following: 


Middle-aged female

Enjoys news

Likes gardens

Real estate shopper

Using my research, I developed the person I am going to reference for the rest of this case study. 

Our Persona:

Time for
Ad Groups

The next thing I looked at was optimizing the Google Ads campaign. There was an overlooked feature, which was buying domains in bulk. 

To bulk up the ad group, I compiled a list of keywords. I based the words off highly relevant phrases on the landing page.

up the list:

GoDaddy bulk domains

Sell domains

Bulk domain search

Bulk domain discounts

Park bulk domains

Privacy in bulk

Manage multiple domains

An email

On to the next phase, which is email marketing. I examined a couple of email copies. In this scenario, the first email has an open rate of 32.03% and a CTR of 1.89%.

I made edits to the given email and came up with something more straight forward and informative. 

the inbox:

A happy lead generation:

I focused on the lead generation workflow for more emails. I wanted to include a happy birthday discount to boost engagement.  I created a workflow using Google Drive’s app diagrams feature. 

Research showed most of the target audience used Facebook, so ads were created to catch the users attention. 


  • This was my first case study 
    after I officially earned my digital marketing certificate. 

  • I felt more confidence in myself that
    I was able to learn a whole new set of skills when working full time.

  • I love that I learned marketing because I want to use marketing
    in my career moving forward.


  • Digital marketing also provided clarity for skills I briefly relearned.

  • This case study was helpful for me to put my new skills to use and visualize realistically how these skills can benefit my career. 

  • I hope to take on new projects where I can have an influence of marketing in my design work. 

Knowledge Gained:

Is that the end:

Digital marketing was a new skill to add to my knowledge. There was another skill I needed to learn as well…

Ready to see Designing in
Times of Conflict? 

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